there is no doubt in our minds that with a few dumplings in your mouth, no matter where and in what circumstance you are, you'll get that warm happy saliva induced feeling, the kind of moment where you start making uncontrollable sounds of delight.
it’s more of making love to food than eating. it gets a little messy sometimes, but, we like that. and let's be honest, sometimes it’s good old dirty fun - stuffing your face. food is good and dumplings as food is even better.
so grab a bag, stash it in your freezer, eat it tonight, or tomorrow, or on that intoxicated moment after a few too many.
but whatever you do, don't eat it frozen.

you got something to say about it? give us a chat then!
follow us on socials to stay tuned for all that dumpling goodness.....

all dumplings are made with love from scratch in san juan del sur